
The Biogen-backed RMB National Rowing Squad men’s pair of John Smith and Chris Baxter are ready to compete for a medal at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games after securing their spot with qualification at the 2023 World Championships held in Belgrade.

John is a South African rowing legend who will achieve sporting greatness in Paris 2024 by competing in his fourth Olympic Games while Chris, who is a former Under-23 World Champion and 10 years his junior, will compete at his first Games.

Experienced pair

John was part of the “Oarsome Foursome” that won gold in his Olympic debut in 2012 in London, and also competed in the 2016 Games in Rio in the men’s lightweight double sculls, where the team narrowly missed out on a medal, finishing fourth.

He says he was first attracted to the serene yet powerful nature of rowing on the water. “I got into the competitive aspect through a local rowing club where the camaraderie and competitive spirit really inspired me to train harder and aim higher.”

His pair’s partner Chris was drawn to rowing because of the combination of the physical challenge and the need for precision and teamwork.

“I started rowing in high school, and the thrill of racing and pushing my limits motivated me to pursue it competitively.”

While this is Chris’s first Olympic Games, he already holds numerous sporting accolades, including the under-23 world record in the men’s pair.

Solid Olympic preparation

The dynamic duo have enjoyed a solid build to the Games after qualifying in 2023 by making it to the A-final of the men’s pair competition at the World Championships held in Belgrade.

Based at the High Performance Centre of the University of Pretoria (Tuks), the team trains under the guidance of RMB National Rowing Head Coach Tiago Loureiro and Technical Performance Manager Grant Dodds at Roodeplaat Dam, a beautiful international-standard rowing course.

Following successive training blocks, the medal hopefuls showed signs that they are peaking at the right time by narrowly missing out on medalling during the World Cup Rowing Regatta in Lucerne, Switzerland in late May, finishing fourth by a mere 0.11 seconds.

This Biogen-backed duo then travelled to France for training on the Olympic course in Vaires-sur-Marne Nautical Stadium. We caught up with John and Chris during their final preparations for the Paris Olympics to get an inside look at their approaches to training and performance nutrition.

Hard training on and off the water

According to Chris, the team’s typical training week is intense and highly structured. “We typically train six days a week, with two to three sessions per day. This includes water sessions, ergometer sessions, weight training, and recovery activities.”

When the guys hit the gym, they focus on building overall strength, with an emphasis on their legs, back, and core. “We do a mix of heavy lifting, such as squats and deadlifts, and functional movements that mimic the rowing stroke,” explains Chris.

“We also incorporate a variety of exercises, including Olympic lifts, compound movements like bench presses and rows, and plyometrics to enhance power and explosiveness,” adds John.

The team also incorporates cardio cross-training into their weekly routine to improve their endurance and maintain overall fitness, such as running or cycling.

With regard to training, discipline and balance are keys to the team’s success, believes John. “We ensure that we not only push our limits but also allow enough time for recovery and mental preparation.”

Consistency and attention to technique are other crucial elements in the team’s preparations, adds Chris. “We focus on maintaining a high level of performance every day and making incremental improvements in our technique and power output.”

Recovery a top priority

According to Chris, optimal recovery entails a mix of proper nutrition, hydration, and rest. “We also use techniques like ice baths, massages, and compression gear to aid muscle recovery. Biogen supplements play a crucial role in this process, providing us with high-quality protein and essential nutrients.”

Post-training recovery also includes stretching and flexibility work to prevent injuries. “Flexibility and mobility exercises are a staple in our routine,” adds Chris. “We do daily stretching sessions and yoga a couple of times a week.”

“We engage in regular mobility work and foam rolling to keep our muscles supple and ready for the next session,” continues John.

Sleep and active recovery sessions like light rowing or swimming are additional elements in the team’s recovery strategy.

Hitting every nutritional base

The guys eat a well-balanced diet, focusing on high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

“We eat plenty of lean meats, fish, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to fuel our training and recovery,” says Chris.

John says the focus is on nutrient-rich foods, with an emphasis on fresh, whole foods. “We make sure to get enough protein for muscle repair, and carbs for energy, while also staying hydrated with plenty of water and electrolytes.”

The team also incorporate Informed-Sport tested Biogen supplements into their performance nutrition plan

“Biogen supplements ensure we meet our nutritional needs, especially when training intensity is high,” explains Chris.

This includes protein powders for recovery, electrolytes for hydration, and vitamins and minerals to support overall health.

“The fact that Biogen products are Informed-Sport tested gives us confidence that we’re adhering to the WADA code,” he adds.

“We incorporate Biogen Iso-Whey Protein shakes post-workout and use products from their Platinum range of vitamins to fill any nutritional gaps,” adds John.

“Knowing these supplements are WADA-compliant is essential for our peace of mind and integrity in the sport.”

Building mental muscle

The team has also focused on the mental preparation needed to compete at the highest level in the sport.

“Mental training is just as important as physical training,” affirms Chris. “We practice visualization techniques, mindfulness, and sometimes work with sports psychologists to stay focused and manage stress.”

“We also use techniques like goal-setting, positive self-talk, and meditation to build mental resilience,” adds John. “Staying present and focusing on the process rather than the outcome helps us manage the pressure.”

This mental fortitude also helps the guys overcome the many challenges they face as elite sportsmen.

“The constant physical demand and the need to balance training with rest can be challenging. We overcome these by maintaining a structured schedule and having a strong support system,” explains Chris.

John says the injuries and mental fatigue are tough to overcome. “We mitigate these by following a comprehensive training plan, listening to our bodies, and ensuring we have access to good medical and psychological support.”

Representing Team SA

The pair are excited to represent their country and hopefully fulfill their potential as medal hopefuls at Paris 2024.

It’s a tremendous honour and a lifelong dream to compete at the Olympics,” affirms Chris. “Wearing our national colours and competing on the world stage is incredibly motivating and fills me with pride.”

John believes that representing South Africa at the Olympics is the pinnacle of his rowing career.

“It’s an opportunity to showcase years of hard work and dedication, and to inspire the next generation of athletes.”

Catch John and Chris in action in the men’s pair races, starting with the men’s pair heats from 11h00 (local time) on 28 July.