science of recovery

Fuel Smarter on Rest Days with the Science of Recovery and Smart Supplementation

Intense or prolonged training and hard racing depletes glycogen – our body’s primary fuel source –  and damages muscle, which means the first step in any effective recovery plan should be to address these two critical factors.

Athletes get the best results when they understand that training is just the stimulus and that what you do next in terms of rest and recovery determines how much benefit you get from your training efforts.

While optimal recovery is multi-faceted, requiring the right combination of adequate sleep, active rest, and a wholesome and nutritious diet rich in protein, natural fats and complex carbohydrates, the right supplement plan can optimise your recovery efforts to help you make the most of your rest days.

Refill your tank

Exercise triggers a cascade of hormone-driven processes that aim to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. 

One of the more important responses to exercise is an increase in insulin sensitivity, which can last anywhere from 24 to 72 hours¹, depending on factors such as exercise intensity, duration, and individual metabolic health.

Greater insulin sensitivity makes our bodies more efficient at replenishing depleted glycogen stores and getting amino acids from protein into muscle cells to repair and build damaged tissue. 

Combine and conquer

That’s why a supplement that combines both protein and carbohydrate macronutrients can help you conquer your recovery goals on rest days! 

This formulation should ideally include high-glycaemic index (GI) carbohydrates and proteins with a high biological value (BV) – a measure of how efficiently the body can break down the protein into amino acids and absorb them into muscle cells – which is the combination you’ll find in products like Biogen Pure Recovery. 

This multi-sport recovery drink gives your body what it needs after training with a blend of 31g of carbohydrates from maltodextrin to replenish glycogen stores and 13g of protein from whey concentrate and milk sources to support muscle repair per serving. 

Limit damage

Various studies confirm that a recovery supplement that combines carbs and protein can positively influence various aspects related to optimal recovery, including limiting muscle damage and inflammation² and reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)³

In addition, research shows that the branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) leucine can enhance muscle recovery after exercise by triggering muscle protein synthesis (MPS).

As the most potent BCAA, leucine stimulates a cascade of chemical signals that act as a catalyst for protein metabolism, which supports the MPS process

The best place to find this potent BCAA is a whey protein shake like Biogen Iso-Whey Premium Protein. 

Also, whey contains numerous other beneficial compounds, including the full spectrum of essential amino acids (EAAs).

Amino acid supplements that support recovery, like Biogen Complete 9 Aminos, are also formulated with BCAAs at a 2:1:1 leucine:Isoleucine:valine ratio to support MPS, tissue repair and recovery after exercise.

When taken on rest days, recovering muscles can benefit from the additional leucine, along with the full spectrum of amino acids, as it helps sustain the muscle repair and growth process.

Replace lost salts

Sweat loss is another aspect of hard training that has a huge bearing on your recovery because you lose fluid and vital electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium and chloride. 

Exercising for extended periods and in hot and humid conditions can leave you in a fluid deficit, which can become worse over the course of a rest day if you don’t drink enough. 

Sipping on water enriched with electrolytes from a product like Biogen Electrolyte+ Fizzy will help your body absorb the water more efficiently and replenish the salts lost through sweat. 

Get rest for success

Rest days aren’t just about taking it easy – they’re an essential part of your training strategy. 

By supporting your nutrition and hydration with strategic supplements, you can aid your recovery with better muscle repair and glycogen and electrolyte replenishment to help you bounce back faster and ensure your body is primed for your next workout.


  1. Bird SR, Hawley JA. Update on the effects of physical activity on insulin sensitivity in humans. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2017 Mar 1;2(1):e000143. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2016-000143. PMID: 28879026; PMCID: PMC5569266.
  2. Fabre, M.; Mathieu, B.; Tiollier, E.; Leduc, C.; Clauss, M.; Marchand, A.; Robineau, J.; Piscione, J.; Serenari, T.; Brasy, J.; et al. Effects of Native Whey Protein and Carbohydrate Supplement on Physical Performance and Plasma Markers of Muscle Damage and Inflammation during a Simulated Rugby Sevens Tournament: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study. Nutrients 2022, 14, 4780.
  3. Millard-Stafford M, Warren GL, Thomas LM, Doyle JA, Snow T, Hitchcock K. Recovery from run training: efficacy of a carbohydrate-protein beverage? Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2005 Dec;15(6):610-24. doi: 10.1123/ijsnem.15.6.610. Erratum in: Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2006 Feb;16(1):3 p following 125. PMID: 16521846.
  4. Wilkinson DJ, Bukhari SSI, Phillips BE, Limb MC, Cegielski J, Brook MS, Rankin D, Mitchell WK, Kobayashi H, Williams JP, Lund J, Greenhaff PL, Smith K, Atherton PJ. Effects of leucine-enriched essential amino acid and whey protein bolus dosing upon skeletal muscle protein synthesis at rest and after exercise in older women. Clin Nutr. 2018 Dec;37(6 Pt A):2011-2021. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2017.09.008. Epub 2017 Sep 23. PMID: 29031484; PMCID: PMC6295981.