Biogen Wellness Pack

Based on the potential benefits, it is advantageous to maintain testosterone levels within the ideal healthy range

Testosterone is one of the most powerful hormones, and it plays an important role in muscle growth and strength development, bone density, recovery and numerous other bodily functions, including libido and male sexual and reproductive function.

The problem with low testosterone levels

The issue is that age and testosterone production (along with other anabolic hormones like human growth hormone) are inversely proportional. A gradual, age-associated decline in serum total testosterone levels begins in men in their mid-30s and continues at an average rate of 1.6% per year.

Various other factors can also lower testosterone levels at any age, including poor diets, stress, illness, a lack of adequate sleep, weight gain and a lack of suitable physical activity.

We can experience various symptoms when testosterone levels fall. For men, this may include decreased muscle mass, and a loss in strength and endurance, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, depression, hot flashes, difficulties with concentration and memory, increased body fat, enlarged male breast tissue (gynecomastia) and smaller testicles.

Women can also experience a range of symptoms when their testosterone levels dip below healthy levels. These issues could include muscle weakness, loss of bone density, reduced sex drive and decreased sexual satisfaction, sluggishness and fatigue, difficulties sleeping, weight gain, fertility issues and an irregular menstrual cycle.

Boost natural testosterone production

Your diet is a good place to start for anyone who wants to boost natural testosterone production.

Eating a diet that contains more healthy fats will help to optimise testosterone production. Research has shown that men who consumed a diet rich in monounsaturated fats had higher testosterone levels than those who ate less.

General guidelines recommend deriving at least 30% of your calories from fat, including some natural saturated fat, with an additional 4-6 grams of omega 3 fatty acids.

Train heavy to boost testosterone

Exercise is the other major avenue you have to boost testosterone. There is sufficient research available to support the recommendation to include weight training in your routine.

Lifting heavy weights using compound movements that recruit the greatest number of muscles possible, and using short but intense intervals is generally considered the best form of training aimed at increasing testosterone.

Interval training better than long duration cardio

The same principles apply for cardio. Multiple sets of short sprints are far more effective than a steady-state run or cycle in your quest to produce more of this highly anabolic hormone.

In fact, studies show that too much high-volume, lower-intensity training synonymous with endurance sports can reduce testosterone levels. In general, the longer you train each week, the lower your testosterone level will drop, with sessions that last more than two hours the most deleterious to testosterone, according to a study conducted at the University of Melbourne in Australia and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

In the study, researchers found that running for short durations of less than two hours increased testosterone levels and that runs over two hours suppressed circulating testosterone.

Supplement your testosterone levels

Thankfully, we live in an age of rapid scientific advancement, which has given rise to a range of supplements that are classified as hormone boosters.

These product formulations up-regulate natural hormone production with a combination of herbals, vitamins and minerals.

Rage Testo Armour combines ingredients like Tongkat Ali, Panax Ginseng, Tribulus Terrestris and Ashwagandha to increases levels of testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dihydrotestosterone, which all have a mechanism of action on improved exercise performance and sexual health.

Tongkat Ali or longjack, is a herbal supplement with research backing its ability to help increase low testosterone levels to support male fertility, anxiety, athletic performance, and muscle and strength gains.

For example, a study published in the journal Andrologia in May 2012 found that 90% of the older men with low testosterone who took 200 mg of Tongkat Ali extract per day over the one-month trial period significantly increased levels to normal values.

Panax Ginseng is a herbal remedy often used to enhance male libido and fertility by increasing serum testosterone levels.

A study published in the journal Spermatogenesis found that Ginsenoside Rg1 (10 mg/kg), the major active constituent in Panax ginseng, is responsible for the increase of serum testosterone levels.

The combination of Zinc & Magnesium is a popular and effective mineral support formula that helps the body optimise natural anabolic hormone production, including testosterone.

This power combo can also help to improve sleep, which supports the muscle-building process and aids recovery and performance.

Research on the amino acid D-Aspartic Acid has demonstrated its ability to increase total testosterone levels in untrained men and those with low testosterone levels.

While more research in humans is necessary to confirm its effectiveness, results from a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine showed that exogenous D-aspartic acid enhanced testosterone levels in male animal studies.

In addition, an analysis published in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology looked at the role of D-aspartic acid in both humans and rats. In both groups, the D-aspartic acid supplement increased the production and release of testosterone.

Tribulus terrestris is a herbal nutritional supplement that may help promote gains in strength and lean muscle mass by indirectly boosting natural testosterone production. This natural substances reportedly increases the release of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates testosterone release, and the subsequent rise in circulating testosterone may have anabolic effects.

Ashwagandha is primarily used as an adaptogen, which helps your body handle stress and anxiety. However, according to numerous studies, it can also help boost testosterone levels.

In one study that tested its benefits on sperm quality in men with infertility, subjects who took 5 grams per day for 3 months experienced a 10–22% increase in testosterone levels.

In a 2019 study published in the American Journal of Men’s Health, subjects (men aged 40-70) who received an ashwagandha supplement showed an almost 15% increase in testosterone on average and an 18% increase in DHEA, a hormone that helps produce other hormones, including testosterone.

All the B-group vitamins play a role in testosterone regulation and production. Vitamin B6 is one of the more important B-complex vitamins when it comes to testosterone as a lack of this vitamin causes a rise in oestrogen levels. As such, we need to maintain appropriate levels to regulate androgen hormone production.

And pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) enables the testes to produce testosterone from cholesterol. In a study conducted in Japan, researchers determined that a vitamin B5 deficiency caused a decline in testosterone levels due to the resultant decrease in the biosynthesis of cholesterol in the testes.

Considerations before using testosterone booster supplements

Professional and competitive athletes are advised to use products with Informed Sport or Informed Choice certification.

If you have any concerns about your testosterone levels, it is advisable to discuss your concerns with your doctor, pharmacist or healthcare provider, who can assist with supplementation guidance or recommend appropriate treatment options, if necessary.