Night Feed Casein Protein – 800g / Assorted

Night Feed Casein Protein – 800g / Assorted

R569.99 (incl vat)

Biogen Night Feed Casein Protein is a delicious, high protein nutritional shake that contains a precise blend of high biological value and slower digesting proteins. The slow digestion and absorption of amino acids have become an essential and highly beneficial element of recovery.

Taken primarily before bed, or prior to periods where your body typically is subjected to reduced food intake, casein has shown to help promote optimum muscle recovery and growth, as well as for anyone looking to supplement their diet with additional protein.

Biogen Night Feed Casein Protein also includes Aminogen®, a digestive enzyme, that has been shown to improve protein digestion and amino acid assimilation.

SKU: 171222 Category: Range:

DOSAGE: (Adults): As a nutritional supplement, add ±1 rounded scoop (32g) to 250ml of cold water. Mix or shake thoroughly and take prior to bedtime.

*Do not exceed recommended daily dosage.
*Keep out of reach of young children.
*Store in a cool, dry place (protect from moisture).

Night Feed Casein Protein Choc Brownie Nutritable

*Nutrition tables may vary by flavour, please read the product label to verify exact info.
*Nutritional Info above applicable to the chocolate brownie flavour.

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