Night Feed Casein Protein Bar – 65g / Assorted

Night Feed Casein Protein Bar – 65g / Assorted

R49.99 (incl vat)

Biogen Night Feed Casein Protein Bar is a delicious, high protein bar that contains a precise blend of high biological value and slower digesting proteins. Delivering 20 grams of protein and only 1,6 grams of impact carbs is the ideal snack that can be taken before bed, or prior to periods where your body typically is subjected to reduced food intake, the casein protein bar has shown to help promote optimum muscle recovery and growth, as well as for anyone looking to supplement their diet with additional protein.

SKU: 212898 Category: Range:

DOSAGE: A high protein snack to be enjoyed as and when desired. For best results take before bed, or prior to periods where your body typically is subjected to reduced food intake. Should not replace a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

*Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.
*Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Night Feed Bar Choc Brownie Nutritable

*Nutrition tables may vary by flavour, please read the product label to verify exact info.
*Nutritional Info above applicable to the choc brownie flavour.