
Benchmark your health with regular health checks – a simple & effective way to achieve & maintain optimal health

An annual body check-in with a comprehensive health check-up at your local Dis-Chem Pharmacy benchmarks your health at that point in time.

The type and frequency of these checks will also vary depending on your age, so speak to your the clinic nurse or your healthcare provider to determine which tests are most relevant to your life stage.

This information empowers you and your healthcare provider to pick up any changes in important health markers to identify trends or, perhaps most importantly, detect any early signs and symptoms that my indicate a more serious condition, such as cardiovascular disease or cancer. And early detection is generally considered the golden rule for effective treatment and recovery.

Information that matters

Your local Dis-Chem Wellness Clinic offers a comprehensive health assessment that can help identify areas in your lifestyle that may require attention, such as a change in diet in response to excess weight or high glucose levels, or reduced salt consumption because of high blood pressure, as examples.

Your friendly Dis-Chem nursing practitioner will explain the results and make recommendations and referrals to a doctor or specialist, should you require one.

The comprehensive range of health checks and screenings available at Dis-Chem Wellness Clinics include:

Measure arterial blood pressure levels and understand your readings. These tests could identify low or high blood pressure, which may indicate various underlying conditions and prompt additional testing.

Evaluate your blood sugar levels to detect normal function or alert you in cases where levels are considered pre-diabetic or diabetic. Having your blood sugar tested will allow you to control your insulin response and circulating glucose with a low-GI diet. The Dis-Chem nursing practitioner may also refer you to a doctor if your glucose levels require a medical intervention to treat.

This test determines if your weight is ideal for your height. If you are categorised as obese, your nursing consultant may recommend lifestyle changes to your diet and exercise regimen, or refer you to a health and professional for more individualised advice.

High total cholesterol levels may indicate higher cardiovascular disease risk and may prompt a total lipogram screening to get a better picture of your cholesterol status. Depending on your reading, you may require a lifestyle intervention or medical treatment to address the issue.

This test measures the exact amount of different types of cholesterol in your blood, measuring levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. Ideally, health practitioners recommend a total cholesterol to HDL ratio of 5:1 but ideally a 3.5:1 ratio is considered best. Higher readings indicate greater risk for heart disease.

Learn your HIV status and get psychological help after testing positive.

Regular screenings create opportunities to proactively identify medical issues, assess your risk for future medical problems and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

The most common cause of cervical cancer is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Routine pap smear tests can help to prevent HPV and cervical cancer.

A blood test used to diagnose anaemia, a condition characterised by a low red blood cell count due to an iron deficiency. This condition is common among women and athletes, and can cause low energy levels and affect performance, among other symptoms.

You can also get a vitamin injection to top up on all the essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health and vitality, or receive recommendations for suitable supplements to support your wholesome and nutritious diet, like those in the Biogen Platinum range.