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If you’re a Pro, Theres no other way to go!

As a fundamental brand ethos and policy, Biogen does not condone the use of banned substances or drugs in competitive sport. When it comes to supplement usage for Professional & Competing athletes, we ONLY recommend the use of products that have been tested for banned substances by suitable bodies such as LGC (UK), which offer one of the best risk management and certification options in the world, including their ground breaking Informed Choice & Informed Sport programs.

Whilst no single Biogen product is formulated with any banned substances at development level, the risk and possibility remains for isolated incidents of cross contamination to occur at manufacturer level. With that in mind, we have a responsibility to offer a range of ongoing tested products available to both consumers and competitive athletes alike. Our select range of products that are tested and certified free of banned substances can be found on the link below.

What are we saying as a brand?

  • Competing athletes should only use products bearing either the Informed Sport or Choice marks.

  • We take your professional reputation as seriously as we do our own.

  • We have a select range of products on the Informed Sport and Choice programs.

  • It is not the FULL Biogen range that is certified. Look for the Informed Sport or Choice marks specifically.

  • All Biogen sponsored pro athletes will only be supplied products from the Informed ranges.

  • Anything else requested for use by professionals will either be batch tested or declined.

  • If ever unsure, check in with our team, or on the Informed websites.

Biogen Informed Sport Safe Supplements Webpage Banners

Over and above our select Biogen range of certified products mentioned above, other products across the range are also sent to be screened regularly, as a further safeguard and brand policy. For any queries pertaining to the use of suitable products for competing athletes, please do not hesitate to contact us further.

Shop some of the Biogen Products that are part of the Competing Athletes range: