
Energise Your Day with Nutritious Plant Protein Based Energy Bites or Bars – Bite-Sized Powerhouses of Nourishment and Energy


120g Biogen Plant Protein Powder
120g Almond Butter
60g Rolled Oats
60ml Honey
30g Chia Seeds
30g Shredded Coconut


In a bowl, combine Biogen Plant Protein Powder, almond butter, rolled oats, honey, chia seeds, and shredded coconut. Mix well until all ingredients are evenly incorporated.
Roll the mixture into bite-sized balls for convenient energy bites, or press it into a baking dish to form bars for a more substantial snack.
Refrigerate the energy bites or bars for 30 minutes to allow them to set.
Once chilled, remove from the refrigerator and serve as a quick and nutritious snack to boost your energy levels throughout the day.

Biogen Plant Based Protein is a supreme daily supplement and an excellent choice of protein for athletes and individuals following a vegan or dairy free lifestyle. Rice and pea protein is free from gluten, dairy, and lactose making it easily digestible, especially with the added bamboo fibre, an excellent ingredient for fibre enrichment.