Immunity Foods

Fresh, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which can help boost immunity and fight off colds and flu.

Antioxidants work to reduce cell damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress, which is heightened during periods of increased inflammation, like during an infection.

Eating whole, natural, and minimally processed or unprocessed food as much as possible could improve bolster your immunity efforts. Plant foods in their raw, natural state also contain more nutrients and active enzymes. However, cooking some vegetables can make the vitamins more bioavailable, which makes it easier for our bodies to use. 

A wholesome diet that supports your immune system should include:

  • An abundance of natural, nutrient-dense fresh vegetables, particularly leafy greens.
  • Some fruits, especially citrus and other vitamin C-rich options. 
  • Sufficient protein from fresh meats including red meat, poultry, and fresh fish, as well as dairy products.
  • Natural fats, including essential fatty acids, unsaturated fats and some saturated ft to support hormone production.
immunity foods

Potent immune-boosting and infection-fighting foods:

A single clove of garlic contains calcium, vitamins B1, B6 and C, iron, potassium and over 100 sulphuric compounds which help eradicate bacteria and infection. The major antibacterial constituent of garlic is called allicin, which makes this food a powerful immune booster.

Rich in vitamin C and contain quercetin, a nutrient that breaks up mucus and boosts the immune system. Onions also contain allicin, which fights a range of viruses and bacteria.

Help to produce more infection-fighting cytokine immune cells. They also contain compounds which support the immune system called polysaccharides. The most powerful infection-fighting mushrooms include shitake, maitake and reishi.

Contain selenium, which helps white blood cells produce cytokines, which are the proteins that help eradicate flu viruses from the body.

Tangy citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, and limes are packed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight bacteria and viruses and combats free radicals. Tomatoes, papaya, strawberries and bell peppers also contain this potent antioxidant.

Various vegetables rich in vitamin C include butternut squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.

Can help to alleviate indigestion and manage inflammation.

Contains potent antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Omega 3-rich fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and herring help reduce inflammation, increase airflow and protect the body from colds and respiratory infections

Products that contain the added probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri as it helps protect the body from viruses and stimulates white blood cell production. In fact, studies have shown that eating one cup of yoghurt per day can reduce your risk of a cold infection by 25 %.

Oats and barley contain beta-glucan fibre, which has powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant capabilities. Beta-glucan not only boosts immunity but speeds the healing of wounds and helps antibiotics to work more effectively.

Repopulates the gut and colon with ‘good’ bacteria.

Contain zinc to support immune cells and fibre to feed gut bacteria.

By giving your immune system extra support with wholesome nutrition, regular exercise and quality supplements, coupled with a few proactive measures, you could reduce your risk of infection this winter.

Get your FREE Biogen Immunity Toolkit now for top tips, recipes and more workout ideas to help you stay motivated and on track in the chilly winter months!